Ms. Arushi Lohani


Ms. Arushi Lohani

Ms. Arushi Lohani is an Analyst with the PAD Division of QCI. PADD being the secretariat for the UNFSS is also the nodal for the ICSTS. Arushi is responsible for Communications and Marketing of the International Convention on Sustainable Trade and Standards.

Ms. Lohani has previously been an intern at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, where she contributed to the Indo-German Project on HWC Mitigation. She also lent her expertise to WWF-India, where she delved into the realm of Musk Deer distribution modeling using Remote Sensing and G.I.S.

She holds a degree in Masters in Environmental Science from Doon University, Uttarakhand and has made her mark in the field by publishing research on Musk Deer distribution modeling in Uttarakhand. Her unwavering commitment to research for a sustainable future is a testament to her dedication to the cause.
