Murali Kallummal


Murali Kallummal

Dr Murali Kallummal is a Professor at the Centre for WTO Studies (CRIT, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade). He has a PhD specialising in Industrial Economics from JNU. His PhD thesis is on the capital market-based financing patterns of the Indian corporate sector.

He has more than 25 years of experience in the areas of Industrial development, trade and development issues; domestic and international finance; WTO’s market access issues in agricultural and manufacturing sectors; standards, [sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS)-based measures, technical barriers to trade (TBT), private standards]; and trade & environment.

He has conceived and maintained an official web portal with two databases on non-tariff measures (NTMs). [SPS database <> and TBT database <>]. The database is unique in that it provides trade linkage at HS 4 digits level for all the SPS and TBT notifications made to the WTO by 164 countries.

Dr Kallummal has remained concerned over the developmental impact of trade policy and backs his findings with considerable empirical research on trade agreements and India’s WTO commitments.