Dr. M. Muthukrishnan


Dr. M. Muthukrishnan

Dr. M. Muthukrishnan, Head - EHS & Sustainability – Airport Sector, GMR GROUP, having more than 17 years of experience in EHS & Sustainability Management. He is a Chemical Engineer and have done Doctorate in Chemical Engineering in the stream of Separation Technology at IIT Delhi, India and alumnus of IIM Kozhikode, India.

He is Member - at-Large of the ACI World Environment Standing Committee and Past Chair of Airport Council International (ACI) Asia Pacific - Environment Committee also member of CII Green Building Council, India and Aeronautical Society of India.

He is a certified Course Developer of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and ICAO Safety Management System Professional. Also developed International training program on Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and Operation of Airport Infrastructure for ICAO and acting as a Subject Matter Expert (SEM) for Environment Protection and Sustainability development for GMR Airports. 

He has written various international publications and books on environment & membrane technology. His leadership focuses are Sustainability Development, Climate Change Mitigations, Green Buildings Development, Conservation Programs, Policy Advocacy and Regularly Enhancements and Awareness creation and Team Development.