Carole Hommey


Carole Hommey

Carole Hommey has been managing ICS for more than 11 years. ICS is an international sectoral initiative with the aim to enhance working conditions along global supply chains of its member retailers and brands.

The ICS is a non-profit multisectoral initiative (MSI), a collaborative effort established to promote and enforce social and environmental compliance and sustainability throughout the global supply chain. It accomplishes this by pooling resources for the protection of human rights and the environment.

Recognizing the pressing need to transition our globalized economy into a sustainable one and the importance for brands to ensure compliance, this peer-cooperation approach proves invaluable in achieving maximum effectiveness. Having experienced the customer-suppliers relationship challenges during many years in different business from the automotive industry to the electronics, she has focused 15 years ago her activities on Ethics and CSR collaborating with the research chair of Law and Ethics of the Cergy-Pontoise University and still teaches Ethics and Human Rights. 

Carole studied has a Master’s Degree in Political Sciences and Geo-Economics (Sciences Po Toulouse and IRIS).